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1. The Unity web player will install on first use. Follow the prompts to install the web player.

After installation, this screen should appear in the web browser:

IMPORTANT: Click "Disconnect" before closing web page.

2. The program automatically connects to the server, allowing you to save and load projects and generate web page

reports. Select the "Disconnect" button to work offline. The button text will change to "Connect", providing the

option to re-connect at any time to save your work or generate web reports. The program cannot detect when

you close the web page, so you should select "Disconnect" before closing the web page. Otherwise, your browser

may not respond for up to 30 seconds.

3. You will need to enter your email and key each time the program runs from a new IP address location. The email is case sensitive.

Enter Emai (case sensitive)

Enter access key (obtained after purchase)

4. This help web page and the online FHWA Rockery Guidelines may be accessed using these buttons. Popups need to be enabled to access the guidelines and web reports (don't worry, no annoying advertisements will appear). Usually there is an icon with a red "x", or a message box that appears at the top of your browser, giving you the option of allowing popups for this web page.

Click "Rockery Guidelines"

for additional help for

designing Rockeries.

Enable popups in browser

if nothing appears.

5. Click the small "v" or "^" button on the right to expand or hide the drop down list. Select an existing project from the list by clicking the button with the name, or enter a new a project name by clicking the edit box. Click "x" to delete a project fromthe list.

Select or type in

Project name

6. The "Load" and "Save" buttons will appear after entering a project name.

To save: Enter a project name and press Load

To load: Click the "v" to expand the list, click on the project name, then press Load

To rename: Enter a new project name, click Save, then delete the old project

To delete: Expand the list, then click the "x" next to the project name you wish to delete. If you accidentally delete a project, contact Summit Peak and we

may be able to restore it.

Save your work

before closing


This is the tutorial for the Rockery Wall Program. Click image to enlarge.
See FHWA Rockery Wall Design Guidelines for additional information.

7. Select SI (metric) or US (English) units.

US: converts all values from SI to US

SI: converts all values from US to SI

Click to show or hide

dropdown list;

Click to select US 

Project data will be displayed in the


Click "Input" to enter

Wall and Soil data

Enter data in the text box and press

tab, or move the scroll bar under

the text box. The plot in the

background and all design checks

will instantly update

Move mouse over icons to display safety

check, warning, and error messages in the

status bar at the bottom.

Select "Plot" tab, then move arrows with

mouse to change geometry.

The Reset button sets default viewing


Wall is white when all design checks


Wall turns yellow when a seismic

design check fails, or when wall height

is above FHWA guideline


Wall turns red when a non-seismic

design check fails.

Note: To change view, select Parameters tab, click "Rockery" at the top to hide the user interface, left-click and drag mouse to move image. Left-click mouse and press arrow keys to adjust image location. Press the "Print Scr" key on your keyboard to copy the image, then paste in Word or Excel. Press "Rockery" to re-show the user interface.

Click "Bishop" to view

global stability

Select "Seismic" to incorporate seismic loading

Adjust to change factor of safety color scale range

Click "Calc" to apply color scale changes

Upper color plot shows the minimum factor

of safety for all failure circles with centers at

corresponding point.

Failure circles passing though Rockery

wall are omitted since internal and external

stability is covered in design checks.

Lower color plot shows the minimum

factor of safety for all failure circles

passing through corresponding point.

Select the "Report" tab to view a text version of the report

Select to generate an html report with pictures and tables.

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